Welcome to St. Paul’s!
Sunday Services begin at 11am.
All are Welcome!
About St. Paul’s
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church has been a house of prayer in Logan OH for generations. Many people have called this church their spiritual home in its more than 100 years. It was officially recognized as a congregation in 1906 and the building was built in 1912. We are a small congregation with a very unique group of people from various backgrounds. Some are “cradle Episcopalians” meaning they were raised in this tradition. Some came to the Episcopal church from other traditions, some are new to the Episcopal church and some are new to church altogether.
What’s Going On at St. Paul’s?
On the last Thursday of each month, we have our feeding and clothing ministry which provides a free hot meal for those in need. In addition, we have a small boutique of free clothing and a small area of free basic essentials for those in need.
If you are in need before the date of our next feeding ministry, please feel free to stop by our blessing box right outside the church, or on Sunday at 11am for services and coffee hour.